If we understand the concept of “new life in Christ” as based on the revelation of God made in Jesus Christ, an intimacy with this God, implying its conse-quences, such as morality and worship adapted to this relationship, resulting from and leading to this intimacy, then it follows that this is a “new life” that cannot be realized if this basic condition, which is the possession of the true image of God, is missing. This issue, presented at the 54th Ecclesiological Week “Church of Saints” at the Catholic University of Lublin is exemplified by two subjects: the first par-ents, Adam and Eve, in whom the original sin blurred the true image of God, and the Immaculate Mary, free from original sin and, therefore, also from its consequence, which is an aversion to God and an intimate relationship with Him, dictated by a false image of Him. The main topic of the article has been enriched with the renewed concept of the intercession of the saints, who participate in the mission of the Advocate Spirit, resulting from the exegesis of the Letter to the Romans (Romans 8:26).
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